Monday, October 25, 2010

Chapter 18: Pandora

As further revenge against Prometheus and the powers he gave man, Zeus creates a woman named Pandora. Zeus gives her a box and forbids her from opening it. He sends her down to earth, where her  curiosity leads her to open the lid. Out fly plagues, sorrow, mischief, and all other misfortunes that can plague mankind. Horrified, Pandora attempts to shut the lid of the box, but it is too late. The only good element to fly out of the box is hope.
Pandora was the very first woman who was formed out of clay by the gods. The Titan Prometheus had originally been assigned with the task of creating man. But because he was not pleased with their qualities, he stole fire from heaven. Zeus was angry, and ordered Hephaistos and the other gods to create a woman, Pandora, and give her the beauty and cunning. Then he delivered her to Epimetheus, the younger brother of Prometheus, for a bride. When he let her into his house, Pandora opened the box which Zeus had given her as a wedding present, and released the evil spirits trapped inside it. Only Elpis remained behind, a single blessing to help mankind in their suffering.
Pandora's daughter Pyrrha was the first-born mortal child. She and her husband Deukalion alone survived the Great Deluge. To repopulate the earth they each threw stones over their shoulder. Those tossed by Deukalion formed men, and those tossed of Pyrrha formed women.

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